Thursday, March 1, 2012

While there are few harmless spiders, some spiders could pose serious danger to mankind once bitten. This is why you should immediately seek medical attention as soon as possible. Do not attempt to self-medication after the bite and do not ever suck out the spider’s venom. Also, never use a knife to open the puncture wound to prevent the risk of further infection. Taking the offending spider with you to the doctor or to the local poison center can help probe your diagnosis and treatment. 

Make sure though that you have your gloves on and containers ready prior to catching the spider by hand. Do not attempt to take spider with your bare hands! While banana spiders are good to have around to help minimize the outbreak of pesky insects at home, it is very essential to take extreme pre-caution especially when you have kids around. If you prefer not having them around your premises, simply tear down the spider web with a stick or a broom. The tendency here is that the banana spider will move on to a further location where it can weave its web again.


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